Sunday, April 29, 2012

An equation for effective feedback

Every action that we make on purpose has a theory behind it. Even when we have a glass of water we have an theory in mind, namely: "if you drink water, you will quench your thirst". Such a theory can be expressed as an equation:

Drink water -> Quench thirst

Since every action has a theory or equation behind it, I had the idea to summarize this article as a succinct formula for action as follows:

Effective feedback = customize for receiver + inform person of his impact - threats to self esteem

Here is the same formula in mindmap form:

This way of presenting theories of action is both easy to follow and practically useful as a tool for decision making and understanding. It provides a framework for ideas that one can apply to one's own situation.

Purposeful action involves choice and decision making. It is about applying principles to a unique situation that one is facing. It is about formulas of qualitative variables like the one presented in this post, because in action one is after results, and expected results are a function of the variables one expects to deal with. Accordingly, one's life stream of the future can be conceived as a huge set of possibilities and expectations; a complex mass of multi-variable if-then scenarios. A concise way of summarizing such scenarios would be to present them as simple formulas like the one presented above.

I hope to post several more such action equations in the future, mostly as summaries of articles on leadership and management.

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